creative projects
my whole life i've been entertaining myself with random creative projects. since about 2016 my main creative outlet has been drawing (gallery coming soon, hopefully), but this page is for a bunch of other things i've made outside of drawing.
planner cover (2009)

i still kind of feel like this is my magnum opus LMAO. i'd always been obsessed with collages that looked real but was just an image and i was inspired to make this as my planner cover. it took a lot of work learning how to use gimp. i'm pretty sure i even wanted the CD on it to be accurate to scale LOL. the timetable on it (censored here) was my actual timetable, so it was even functional! the big blank space in the middle was where my full name was lmao, luckily i still have the original file with layers on hand to format this nameless version for upload here.
icons (2011)

back in the day i hoarded soooo many icons from livejournal, and i had lots of fun changing my display pic on msn. ofc i wanted to try and make them - despite their size there's a deceptively complicated amount of work you can put into these tiny things! brightness, contrast, vibrancy effects, layer blend modes... all my knowledge parsed together through scattered livejournal tutorials (but where did THEY learn it from??).
icons + colouring (2013)

after i got back into the bleach manga i became more interested in colouring manga caps (VERY rudimentary colouring). i had a friend who was very good at tumblr typography and manga edits so i was inspired to make the icons in one big icondump post for the character's birthday. i'm pretty proud of that actually i never manage to do stuff for char birthdays!
wallpaper engine (2020)
wallpaper engine is a pretty neat program! i think in the years since there are more tutorials on how to work it, but i was going off like one at the time. it's not a traditional animation software, and all motion is literally "painted" on with the motion effect brushes, for which you can add specific effects at specific magnitudes etc. i'm kind of amazed that people (me included) ever attempted to use such a janky method of bringing images to life LOL. there's also a fair bit of processing to do outside the program - using blur/redrawing/etc to extend the background behind the character layer. for hitsugaya i had to isolate his fringe on the top layer, and colour in the skin underneath, since i wanted his fringe to move in a lively way too. similarly with the eyes - whyyyy did i make him blink it was SUCH a pain - but it worked out hahah. the shut eyes don't have to be too pretty since they're barely visible. movement in this program is truly tedious though, one day i'd like to experiment with aftereffects.
lofi track (aug 2020)
slight loudness warning after the 10 sec marki was listening to a lot of city girl just before i made this lol. this was just made with bandlab, which was literally a free mobile/tablet app my cousin showed me. the interface is really fun and like a dj game, you can just pick from a huge variety of different instruments, each of which come with several premade loops. then you can change the pitch and tempo of these loops, and do all sorts of audio/eq effects, and basically just plop them into a track. the funny thing was when i browsed community uploads and they'd use the same samples and i'd be all :O bc that's not how my song went!!
vlog (oct 2020)
in lockdown i was watching a loooot of aesthetic youtube vlogs like this one and this one and got really inspired to make something chill and relaxing and aesthetic but not over-produced. not too tight yknow. i used VLLO, which was basically the go-to mobile video editing app. it was pretty simple to use and importantly had cute filters lmao. the app also comes with free music but i just used moonsetter off the homestuck soundtrack. vlogging is hard though, i had to think of so many things suddenly, footage can become unusable so fast depending people talking or loudness of the clip, lighting is hard, framing is hard, remembering to film things in a consistent orientation is hard, it's all very hard! so probs to vloggers i am too lazy for that life lol.
3d renders (2021)

when u have a video game OC and a video game NPC the logical next step is to get their 3d models and make them kiss. following youtuber Belvane's tutorials and a lot of error messages later, I managed to get them and Stormwind Keep (the castle) into blender and fandangle their little armatures into a cute position. i would then go on to try and frankenstein together naked models of them but that project ran into a lot of issues - i eventually just commissioned a 3d artist with actual experience for a render lmao.
sprite (2021)

i was screwing around with dressing up as an egirl and streaming through obs for a while (only to discord friends) and i made a homestuck style minanne sprite to sit on my screen lol. i just used the rose sprite as a base.
minecraft skins (2021)

i got into minecraft for the first time! continuing the egirl theme i made a minanne skin of her normal outfit, and then an egirl fit lol. also i like minecraft but it does not like me. every time i get into it, it gives me MASSIVE headaches until i spend a few days acclimatising. anyway i think this was just done in some website skin maker or paint or something lol.
discord emotes (2022)

i'll be real i spend a loooot of time in discord and i love emotes. i do in fact have nitro so i can have my host of silly emotes and fun profile decorations. most are common emotes reskinned/redrawn to be minanne and anduin.
<== go home.